W koszyczku pojawiła się adnotacja przy baterii express shiping only i po kliknięciu wyjaśnienei:
Why do some items show EXPRESS SHIPPING ONLY?
FastTech offers FREE worldwide shipping on pretty much everything, with the exception of a handful of products that are custom-made, special ordered, rare and valuable, or fragile.
These special items display a EXPRESS SHIPPING ONLY badge on product pages and can only be shipped with Global Express shipping service.
Global Express in general offers the quickest delivery time compared to all other shipping options. Express also results in extra careful in-transit handling by shipping carriers.
Can I put EXPRESS SHIPPING ONLY and regular products in one order?
Yes. When you order an item that requires express shipping, all your items in the same order get shipped via express shipping. If you want your regular items to ship via regular free shipping, simply order those items separately.
Szkoda bo te ogniwa w FT są w bardzo dobrej cenie
No nic, trudno. Zamówię latarkę bez baterii i pewnie wezmę używane od woytazo bo w Polsce nowe są ze 2-razy droższe niż w FT.